Organisationen international
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Campaign to stop Killer Robots
Formed in October 2012, the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is a coalition of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that is working to ban fully autonomous weapons and thereby retain meaningful human control over the use of force.
Steering comitee members
Drone Campaign Network
The Drone Campaign Network is a UK-based network of organisations working together to share information and coordinate collective action in relation to military drones.
Drone Wars
Drone Wars UK is a small, UK-based, NGO working towards a long-term goal of an international ban on the use of armed drones. While drone warfare is often presented as a precise and risk-free solution to international security threats, there are significant dangers to global peace and security arising from their use.
European Forum on Armed Drones (EFAD)
Das Europäische Forum gegen bewaffnete Drohnen ist ein Netzwerk ziviler Organisationen, die sich für die Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte, die Respektierung des Rechts, für Abrüstung und die Verhinderung von Konflikten einsetzen.